Turn Packets into Your Ultimate Source of Threat Intelligence

NETSCOUT Omnis® Cyber Intelligence overcomes the barriers of scalability, and cumbersome analysis of packet-derived data, to fill network visibility gaps in your existing cybersecurity tools, conduct threat detection without false positives and drive down the risk and cost of data breaches.

Unlock the Power of The Network with Omnis Cyber Intelligence

Triangle with exclamation mark

Early Warning System

Detect reconnaissance and other malicious activity BEFORE the attack occurs. 
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Magnifying glass icon with zeros and ones

Continuous Attack Surface Monitoring

Continuous visibility into all network and traffic traversing north/south and east/west alerts you to anomalies and vulnerabilities.
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Person icon in large circle connected to two smaller circles

Contact Tracing

Quickly see every device a compromised host has communicated with, signs of lateral movement, and/or evidence of data breach.
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Clock with arrow pointing counterclockwise

Back-in-Time Investigation

Determine the extent and root-case of an attack by conducting highly contextual investigations of an unlimited source of Smart metadata and packets.
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Case Study: Value of Packet Data for Faster Incident Response

See how an organization used NETSCOUT technology to create a common source of network-derived metadata and packets for Net/Sec Ops collaboration and more efficient cyber threat detection, investigation and response.

Read the Case Study

stethoscope with digital icons overlaying

Get a full Omnis Cyber Intelligence demo to see how it can improve your cybersecurity.