Do You Really Need a Data Scientist?
Getting the AI/ML data you need, when you need it, may be easier than you think.

You've probably heard a lot recently about machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence operations (AIOps) and how network operators are looking to improve the efficiency of their networks by adopting AI for chatbots to help with customer care; accelerate a transition to the Dark NOC for hands-off, automated network management; or automatically spin up a 5G network slice in response to an emerging network event.
And while these and other AI projects and initiatives may vary, they are all going to require accurate and timely high-resolution data.
Although direct packet data collection with network probes is widely accepted as the best acquisition model, communications service providers (CSPs) should be aware of potential impacts to their organization.
- Unless data can be filtered at its source, service provider teams may find themselves overwhelmed by the huge amounts of data that will need to be stored and processed.
- Unless the data is easy to understand, service provider teams may need to hire specialist engineers and data scientists to make sense of the collected information.
To ease these concerns, NETSCOUT has introduced Omnis AI Sensor and Omnis AI Streamer as a way for service providers to deliver only the relevant data at precisely the right time and in an easy-to-consume format.
During ENGAGE 2024, NETCOUT Product Manager David Sharpe provided the following use-case example while demonstrating the product to attending customers and partners.
“If you are wanting a data feed that is monitoring just your valuable corporate accounts and you want to automatically react if and when there’s an issue with one of those accounts, you could create a data feed that contains just the dimensions and metrics you need in a complex dataset that anyone can understand,” he explained.
Take AI to the Next Level with NETSCOUT
Increasing network and service complexity continues to drive CSP reliance on high-quality, curated operational data when looking to improve network and service availability, performance, and profitability.
The Omnis AIOps Insights solution for service providers, a combination of Omnis AI Sensor and Omnis AI Streamer, ensures critical enhanced telemetry data is made available in a time-sensitive and highly digestible format to accelerate revenue and business growth. Incorporating ML and AI models, the solution enhances and automates processes to support an ongoing evolution of an organization’s operations.
When service providers have access to the right data at the right time, disruptions that might otherwise take days to fix are resolved in minutes—reducing and preventing negative effects on business operations and the end-user experience.
Expand the Scope of Observability with Omnis AI Sensor for Data Collection
NETSCOUT’s Omnis AI Sensor addresses complex service performance initiatives by collecting highly granular operational performance intelligence with deep packet inspection (DPI)-derived insights at the source. Strategically deployed at network vantage points, the purpose-built instrumentation captures real-time information on a wide array of critical metrics including application response times, latency, and throughput—playing a pivotal role in supporting an organization’s business initiatives.
Typical areas that benefit from Omnis AI Sensor’s rich information include:
- Subscriber experience management and service chain automation
- Network quality (5G, cloud, and edge services) analytics
- Support for self-optimizing network evolution
- Monetization and personalization programs such as 5G SA, enterprise slicing, over-the-top (OTT) classification, and telco APIs
Deliver High-Quality, Curated Data at Scale with Omnis AI Streamer
With Omnis AI Streamer, high-level operational metadata and detailed session-level data derived from packets are made available for custom analysis and processing at scale.
Via the organization of extracted data into highly curated topic playbooks, Omnis AI Streamer facilitates efficient data lake ingestion or seamless streaming through pipelines to ecosystem partners to empower higher-level decision-making and simplification of complex dataset visualizations.
Answer the Telco Data Challenge
NETSCOUT is a trusted partner for NetOps, SecOps, and AIOps teams actively applying ML/AI to their data. Our expertise and innovative solution gracefully address critical use cases, including:
- Automating network and service performance management (zero-touch networks)
- Discovering new sources of revenue and personalizing services per user
- Insights into customer behavior for network personalization
- Improving customer experience and Net Promoter Scores (NPSs)
- Automatic discovery of virtual Internet Protocols (VIPs) and heavy or problematic users and applications
- SLA management: automatic identification of 5G slicing SLA violations
- Security threats in the wireless network
Learn more about the Omnis AIOps Insights solution for service providers.