ENGAGE 21 Security Summit Kicks Off on April 20

ENGAGE 21 Security Summit Kicks Off on April 20

Cybersecurity is about to change--and ENGAGE 21 is the place to be. Mark your calendars for NETSCOUT’s free ENGAGE Security Summit, April 20-21, 2021.

As the market leader in assuring digital services against disruptions in availability, performance, and security, NETSCOUT’s legacy is built on innovation. Now, we are extending that innovation to the future with a transformative focus on cybersecurity. Our top-ranked Arbor security solutions protect against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that threaten availability, and advanced threats that infiltrate networks to steal critical business assets. And our patented Smart Data analytics provides real-time, pervasive visibility and insights IT organizations rely on to accelerate and secure next-generation digital infrastructure. The power of this combination is a game changer, and the ENGAGE Security Summit is the best place to learn how we’re leveraging NETSCOUT and Arbor core competencies in pervasive network traffic visibility, worldwide threat intelligence, highly scalable threat detection, and prevention at the network edge.

Featured sessions include the following:

  • Enterprise Security Keynote—NETSCOUT's vision and strategy for 2021 and beyond. NETSCOUT co-founder and CEO Anil Singhal will introduce the vision and strategy for NETSCOUT’s new Omnis Security solution.
  • Navigating the Post-Breach Response. Alex Stamos, a partner at the Krebs Stamos Group and the former chief security officer of Facebook will join Phillipa Leighton-Jones of The Wall Street Journal/Barron's Group to discuss how cybersecurity leaders should navigate post-breach responses. When attacks are inevitable—and they are—a data-driven cybersecurity strategy will help companies emerge better defended on the other side. One key element: The ability to find and use vital data that will both reduce overall intrusion impact and ensure threat eradication. 
  • Leveraging the Network Perspective for Protecting the Modern-Day Digital Infrastructure. Jon Oltsik, principal analyst at ESG will discuss how to leverage the network perspective to protect modern digital infrastructures.
  • Enterprise Security CTO Update. Security CTO Paul Kraus will discuss NETSCOUT’s Omnis Security, a next-generation network-based threat detection and response platform. The session will cover the technologies, problems, and solutions addressed by Omnis Security. Topics will include protecting public cloud environments and use of open-source technologies for advanced threat detection and response, as well as integration into existing security stacks and processes

For the first time ever, ENGAGE sessions will be offered live in GMT, ET, and PT time zones, with recorded viewing options in the Asia Pacific region.

  • April 20: Keynotes, Roadmaps, and Industry Insights
  • April 21: Breakout Sessions and Demos

Learn more or Register for Engage 21