NETSCOUT employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology in its ATLAS Threat Intelligence Feed (AIF). The NETSCOUT ATLAS global threat intelligence system monitors over 550 Tbps of Internet traffic in real-time across over 500 ISPs and 2000-plus enterprise sites from over 100 countries. The AI/ML algorithms run in the ATLAS cloud infrastructure as part of a product-independent data collection and analysis pipeline to inform both attack detection and mitigation as part of the intelligence feed.
Global Threat Intelligence
Global visibility and advanced global threat intelligence curated by unrivaled world-class researchers and DDoS mitigation experts are what set our Adaptive DDoS protection products apart from the competition. Because of our relationships with technology, service provider, and commercial partners developed over 25 years in the DDoS space, we see 50 plus percent of all internet traffic which includes 230+ countries and territories, 600+ industry verticals, 31,000+ Autonomous System Numbers and tens of millions of attacks per year.
Helping customers combat the ever-increasing frequency and complexity of DDoS attacks requires worldwide visibility, advanced threat analytics, continuous real-time cyber threat intelligence research, and recommended best practices for mitigation from industry experts.
ASERT Research
The ASERT Team is the driving force behind our unparalleled Global Threat Intelligence and attack mitigation experience.
ATLAS Intelligence Feed
Fuels all Arbor DDoS protection products and services, enabling them to stop ever-evolving DDoS attacks automatically.
NETSCOUT Cyber Threat Horizon
A free portal showing real-time and historical global DDoS attack activity.
Threat Intelligence Report
NETSCOUT’s bi-annual Threat Intelligence Report offers statistics and unique insight into worldwide DDoS attack activity.