North Face Scoreboard Award

Relentless Focus On Our Customers' Success in The Connected World

Netscout delivers world class technical assistance and a robust set of service offerings to support the business objectives of our customers and maximize the value of their investment.


Support and Services delivers immediate access to resources at any given time providing invaluable time saving solutions; offering on-line access to the combined knowledge of over 250 Netscout GTAC Engineers, as well as documentation and training videos to assist with setup and configuration of Netscout products.

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Customer Portals

Make the most of your deployment by utilizing the customer portal where you receive the latest product and service information to deploy and maintain your solutions.

Support Portals:

Alternatively, access your portal page by selecting your product here:

Service Provider

In picklists above, "UC Performance Management" includes UC Server, nGeniusONE, and InfiniStream; and "Test Optimization" includes TestStream 3900 Series Packet Flow Switch, Horizon SW for Onpath 2900 and nGenius 3900 Packet Flow Switch.

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