スマートデータ、UC&C監視テクノロジー、Smart Edge Monitoringにより、ビデオ会議やWeb会議のプラットフォームとアプリケーションのユーザーエクスペリエンスを保証します。
クラウド内のUC&CとUCaaS(Unified Communications as a Service)
Scalable Deep Packet Inspectionとシンセティックテストによるリアルタイムの音声とビデオメディアのパフォーマンス監視により、問題の特定とユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上を支援します。
Optimizing UCaaS Technology in the Modern Enterprise
Crafted by NETSCOUT experts for UCaaS and unified communications professionals, this new eBook is your go-to guide for enhancing your observability strategy. Discover four simple, actionable steps you can take today to significantly boost performance across your UCaaS platforms and IT environments. Whether you're managing complex deployments or optimizing existing systems, this eBook will help.
UCaaS and Today’s Enterprise: The True Cost of Outages and Help Desk Support
Our research shows most enterprises now support at least six or more UCaaS tools and applications. Additionally, 71% say their company increased the number of UCaaS tools over the past year, and the more existing tools a company has, the more likely they are to report adding new ones. So, what types of features are enterprises looking for these days?