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An interview with David Hines from Cleveland Clinic

E-Health is Healthcare. Treat Patients with care, safely and efficiently.

Healthcare care is now borderless. Today medical care is delivered via the IP network. Vital patient records are crisscrossing your network to reach an imaging receiver in the OR. Wi-Fi enabled Health-Telemetry units are ubiquitous and at the fingertips of care providers. We are seeing an exponential amount of “health” moved onto Healthcare Providers network. With this new complexity, learn how E-health is assured by NETSCOUT, allowing care providers to focus on positive patient outcomes.

Critical E-Health Touchpoints for Service Assurance:

The main arteries of digital health are: HL7, PACS, RIS, CIS, DICOM, 5G, and more. These complex systems suture together E-Health today to deliver:

  • Patient record(s) information in an instant across disparate platforms.

  • Programmable implanted cardio defibrillators, 24x7 (ICD).

  • E-Prescriptions to any location seamlessly.

  • On-demand just in time medical equipment replenishment.

  • ICU patient care monitored via IoT devices.

  • Remote, Telehealth providing in-the-field healthcare services.

NO LATENCY is here to provide you, our customer, with timely, relevant information about the products you depend on to See-Assure & Secure your networked systems that keep your operations running.

Learn more about these use-cases by starting with a chat with our Customer Care team or call us at 1-888-357-7667.  For additional content login to your myNETSCOUT account to view NO LATENCY +.

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