End-Through-End Visibility Throughout the Infrastructure
nGenius for Flows allows you to extend your network visibility beyond data centers to support complex infrastructures and digital transformations. The NETSCOUT nGenius for Flows solution analyzes the following types of data gathered by nGenius Collectors and dedicated high-density collection devices:
NetFlow, JFlow, SFlow, and CFlow
With nGenius for Flows, IT teams can maintain pervasive visibility in remote areas of your network where packed-based instrumentation is not possible. Combined with NETSCOUT’s nGeniusONE solution, IT teams can gather real-time insights into network and application performance.

nGenius for Flows
The nGenius for Flows solution analyzes Flow-based data, as well as MIB-II, IP SLA, and IPPING data gathered by nGenius Collector hardware and virtual appliances.
One Holistic Solution
nGeniusONE and nGenius for Flows provides single pane of visibility across data centers and remote networks using combination of wired data and flow data.
Comprehensive Data
Flow and MIB-II based data can be used for monitoring, reporting, capacity planning, troubleshooting & analysis, usage-based billing, and intelligent traffic load balancing and forecasting.
Single Source of Truth
nGeniusONE and Adaptive Service Intelligence (ASI) technology enables top-down service management and traffic-based intelligence across complex, converged IT environments.
nGenius for Flows analyzes and maps Flow-based data and IP SLA results gathered by nGenius Collectors, MIB-II-based data sources into powerful monitoring and troubleshooting screens and historical reports necessary for accelerating problem resolution and improving capacity and infrastructure planning. The following features give IT teams flexible, powerful, and comprehensive information needed to support their complex infrastructure:
Alerts & Reporting
- Group and create containers from different flow & MIB-II based data sources to visualize service level flow data in a dashboard
- Define alerts using baseline and threshold triggers on various Flow and MIB-II based metrics
- Slice traffic distribution by QoS, ASN, Sites and Router Interfaces
- Leverage reporting capabilities with out-of-box key reporting templates for link, application and location based analysis, automated baselining and trending of key traffic metrics to provide early warning alerts on anomalous changes in network behavior
Troubleshooting & Testing
- Flow and MIB-II based link and application troubleshooting workflows, including conversation and host analysis
- Search and discover capability for various network traffic dimensions
- Network performance and application response time metrics from IP SLA test results
- Integration with nGeniusONE solution and nGeniusONE Global Manager to support a highly scalable and distributed architecture
Data & Analysis
- IPv6 support for flow data as well as flow exported from IPv6 management interfaces from routers/switches
- Statistical information from Cisco®’s class-based QoS MIB (CBQoS), including Discard Packets, Discard Bytes, for MIB-II data sources