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NETSCOUT Visibility Without Borders for Advanced NetSecOps Consolidation

Sanjay Munshi, VP Product Management at NETSCOUT, explains how to derive and manage “smart data” and how it drives NetSecOps consolidation. Key to realizing benefits is a platform architecture with distributed instrumentation and centralized analytics. Watch to learn how to solve tool clutter through streamlining the multiple tools used today across environments. Also watch to learn how a Smart data and Smart Platform can propel early warning detection. Finally, discover how to consolidate detection and forensic investigations using smart data methods.

WATCH to learn:
• What smart data means and how it drives NetSecOps consolidation
• The value of a smart platform architecture with distributed instrumentation and centralized analytics
• How to solve “tool clutter”
• How a Smart data / Platform can drive early warning detection
• How to consolidate Detection and Forensic investigations