Maximize Visibility and Protect Services in High-traffic Environments

Delivering a reliable network and application performance and high-quality user experience for your employees and customers depends on much more than monitoring the responsiveness of the applications themselves. In fact, the most critical protocols and applications in your environment may actually be the set of supporting services that deliver user authentication, network access privileges, URL name resolution, and other IT and networking functions. Some of these protocols are better known as service enablers, and include Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Lightweight Data Access Protocol (LDAP), Active Directory (AD), and Dynamic Name System (DNS) among others.

Reliance on IT enabling services for application performance is so critical that it has made packet-based performance management solutions an imperative to eliminate visibility gaps, reduce mean time to repair (MTTR) and improve troubleshooting time, and ensure quality performance for all the applications that depend on them.

Maximize Visibility and Protect Services in High-traffic Environments

NETSCOUT solutions provide visibility to help resolve problems impacting IT enabling services including:

  • Email login issues that depends on LDAP
  • Access to the corporate Intranet that requires authentication
  • Use of SaaS and UCaaS services like or Webex that relies on DNS
  • Operation of Internet of things (IoT) devices, such as carts on wheels in healthcare, bar code readers in retail, and robotics in manufacturing, that depend heavily on DHCP  

If Your IT Enabling Services Aren’t Working Effectively, You Aren’t Working Effectively.

The Service Enabler House of Cards

Problems with any enabling services have the potential to disrupt the operation of not just one, but several everyday applications. Without quality performance of these services, the applications that depend on them figuratively fall like a deck of cards (Figure 1).

nGenius Enterprise Performance Management solutions provide much-needed visibility to IT teams who need to evaluate performance, availability, and health of enabling services. Additionally, understanding the service dependencies necessary to deliver an application to the users helps reduce mean time to knowledge (MTTK) and mean time to resolution (MTTR).

Monitor IT Enabling Services with NETSCOUT