Today's corporate enterprise is a rich and complex array of applications, services, software, and hardware. Your business and reputation rely on the “Always up” availability of these systems and services. We at NETSCOUT are in the business of keeping all of those discrete pieces running in harmony and without interruption.

With more than 30 years of research and innovation into network operations, NETSCOUT has developed the unique ability to capture, order, and analyze all of your network traffic in real time. While this may seem like a tall order, and it is, we feel it is the only way to provide you deep insight into the overall health and well-being of your enterprise.

NETSCOUT nGenius Packet Flow Systems optimize the flow of traffic from the network to your security systems and monitoring tools. These appliances collect and organize packet flows—creating a unified packet plane that logically separates the network layer from the tool layer. Use packet flow systems to optimize and scale out both your service assurance platform and cyber security deployments, so that you can spend less time in adding, testing and managing their tools.

Network Packet Brokers

Network Packet Broker Vendor for Security Visibility

In today’s rapidly changing IT world, security is top of mind. You need solutions you can count on to ensure that your services and applications are reliable and secure - and can adapt with your ever-changing environment.


Network Visibility for Carrier Service Provider

Are you ready for anything in a world with no off? As traffic volume grows, so too does the risk of network failure. Service providers need a unified packet plane that allows multiple groups to access traffic flow data without creating disruptions. After...

City streets from above at night

IT Network & Security Monitoring

The threat landscape is constantly evolving and so are the security systems designed to address it. More tools mean more security, right? If only that were true. Unfortunately, evaluating, upgrading, testing, and adding security systems places new demands...
nGenius PFS 5000 series

nGenius PFS 5000 series

Software-driven and Cost-effective Performance

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Boosting Network Security and Resilience

64% of companies know the key to better network performance. Are you one of them?

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Security Visibility at Scale for Dummies

Explore how architecting a modern security visibility network infrastructure can help your business adapt to new threats, lengthen the usefulness of your current security system investments, and enhance uptime and availability to drive business assurance.

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Achieve Pervasive Network Visibility for Monitoring

Now, read how that same software-focused approach is enabling advanced packet conditioning with more flexibility in deployment.

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Tap Into the Power of Software-Driven Packet Flow Visibility

Software transformed the data center and it’s about to change the way you think about your packet visibility architecture.

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Why a Strategic Packet Plane Is the key to Digital Success

This white paper by Zeus Kerravala of ZK Research will help you discover the benefits a unified packet plane provides.

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Ten Questions to Ask Your Service Assurance Visibility Vendor

To avoid disaster, you need a packet flow architecture optimized for service assurance. When it comes to solutions, how can you ask the right questions to ensure what you evaluate meets your needs?

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Security Visibility At Scale For Dummies

This book shows you how architecting a modern security visibility network infrastructure can help your business adapt to new threats, lengthen the usefulness of your current security system investments, and enhance uptime and availability to drive business assurance.

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Ten Questions to Ask Your Security Visibility Vendor

Confidently evaluate packet flow solutions for your network

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Five Reasons to Select NETSCOUT for Security Visibility

nGenius packet flow switches are deployed world-wide for the most demanding security and service assurance applications. When security-optimized capabilities and value really matter, enterprises and service providers alike select NETSCOUT.

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Five Reasons to Select NETSCOUT for Service Assurance Visibility

nGenius packet flow switches are deployed world-wide for the most demanding service assurance and security applications. Packet visibility that’s software-driven, cost-effective and scalable on demand—only with NETSCOUT.

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Gaining Scalability and Flexibility for Monitoring and Security Tools

Global Financial Services Company Creates Packet Visibility Foundation for the Future

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Government IT Agency Balances Security with High Availability

nGenius packet flow switches ensure flawless rollout of active inline security deployment

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Healthcare Organization Enables Visibility at Scale

The NETSCOUT 100G packet flow solution ensures smooth rollout of critical EHR application

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High Density Monitoring for National Service Provider

nGenius Packet Flow Switches Solve Visibility Challenge

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Managed Security Service Benefits from Deep Packet Visibility

The NETSCOUT nGenius packet flow solution streamlines service delivery for Norway’s Mnemonic

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National Mobile Service Provider Upgrades Monitoring Infrastructure

Packet flow switches provide full visibility for customer experience management platform

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